January 2024 – How does healing happen?

When I opened my clinic fifteen years ago, I’d already spent ten years questioning and studying healing methods.  I learned Reiki, Ayurveda, circuit training and dance, acupressure, Body Talk, nutrition, Sourcepoint, Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, HeartMath and many others that were not structured for formal certification. 

And I still went to the doctor. The doctor walked in the room, made a diagnosis, decided what was needed, and provided it.

The focus was on what the doctor thought, saw and deduced. I knew it was a one sided business, this standard medical disease model.  

In my work now, the universal condition that I facilitate is to be one other person for the people who are seeking support for their personal conditions.  To be accompanied by a caring and concerned relationship moves a person from vulnerable to being able to access their own ability to heal.  Personal healing takes place in a variety of ways.  One person gets well because they are released from their everyday work with its pressures.  Others get well because they have found something to work on.  Still others feel they have been granted permission to play and freedom from all their “shoulds.” Modern life has upset the coherence between knowing what our deepest values are and then living by them.  We have been conditioned.  If we believe one way but are taught to live another way, it is very hard to heal and is a huge drain on our vitality.    

I am frequently asked what happens in my sessions with clients. To tell the truth, I can’t answer that.  I don’t know ahead of time what I am going to do in a session, there is no plan.  But, I know that something will happen, and it’s never random. I sit with this person and we connect.  Immediately the energy is there and I trust that.  It is always there, not in me, but in the relationship between me and my client.  I go in the natural direction of the energy and we can both feel it. Not that long ago in a training I attended, a person asked if they could observe me working and take notes.  At the end of the session there were three full pages of notes and drawings and important points circled and he asked if he got it right.  “I don’t know,” I said. How did I know to link this and that, call up an old belief system, soften a scar or balance the brain?  I asked the body and followed its lead.  The innate healing wisdom of the body kicks in as the knots in the communication systems loosen.

I used to be ashamed that I couldn’t provide a clear cognitive framework to justify my work.  I don’t feel that way anymore.  I know everybody has the capacity for healing.  We do it with each other all the time even if we don’t notice we are doing it. Healing isn’t some magic trick that requires some esoteric training to conduct.  Healing is simply moving – moving toward wholeness.  My task is not to make something happen.  It is to help identify what has already happened in myself and in others and then foster the conditions that nurture it.  

Make an appointment now to experience my unique method of healing by supporting the Immune System via Lymph Drainage, reducing communication blocks in the emotional and physical body via Energy Therapy and aiding recovery via Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies (PEMF) and Infrared Light.

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