February 2024 – Effortless Hard Work

You may come to Energy Work through pain or rough emotional times and find the experience of having a balance session apparently effortless.  No fascia is being pried apart, no knot is forcibly loosened.  No explanation of the heartache or frustration is expressed.  Effortlessness is very liberating. It sounds simple but we keep peeling layers of that concept as we go deeper in our journey and into our sessions. 

When we reestablish good healthy internal communication, via the blood, nerves, lymph, scalar waves and torsion fields in the body, mind and field, the healing appears.  Healing appears effortless as opposed to the hard work we think we need to do.

Effortless was a favorite word of my teacher, Joan Suval. She would say we are simply tuning our radios while in a session. And what could be more effortless than the gift of an extra 24 hours?  The gift of time! This month contains the extra day that makes this a Leap Year.  Even beyond being a means of calendar synchronization; there is also the concept of taking bold steps in our lives towards betterment and excellence.  To leap means to spring a long way, to a great height or with great force — all significant advancements. 

So, while we are likely to find ourselves leaping out of comfort zones and into the realm of new possibilities, I ask you to consider using a couple of those extra hours this year to get some effortless support for your journey. 

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